Thursday, August 10, 2006

Launching Theo-Blog One

Welcome to Rev Tom Shepherd's Theological Blog


This space may be some of the best and worst work I've done, because the nature of a Blog is by definition a hurried affair: Slam-jam-get-it-on-the-Internet-wham! So you get unfettered and relatively unedited remarks from the murky mind of a Unity theologian (may our tribe increase!) at moments of interlude when communication with the cyber-Cosmos seems a necessary endeavor. I also declare forthwith that these remarks represent the opinions of no other institution, religious perspective, 0r organization but TW Shepherd, Inc. (And there ain't no Inc.) Although theological in premise, they will doubtless spill over into many other categories. So, without further weaseling and warning, let's play Theo-Blog!


We'll start with something non-controversial, like...oh, how about politics?


Theology of Deception: George W. Bush


In my best theological opinion, George W. Bush is a hypocrite and a terrible president. His rigidity is not a virtue but a fetish, and he has lied and obfuscated to the American public from the beginning. Can anyone fail to see that the reason he invaded Iraq had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction but was a manifestation of his missionary zeal to transform the world into his neo-Con, Christian Right image? His goal was to bring democracy to the Middle East, but democratic government must be freely chosen and must include respecting the rights of minorities within the greater social order. Muslims aren't just educationally deprived proto-Christians; they are proud and well-educated people with an ancient cultural heritage and deep faith tradition. Some of those traditions run afoul of Western-style democratic ideals, and it will take generations of self-discovery before some Arab countries evolve theologically and politically to a place where full equality is attainable.


Movement in consciousness is an inside job. Although studies in social anthropology tell us that massive upheavals can alter belief patterns--seacoast tribes driven inland will eventually worship forest gods--nevertheless, those changes are dangerous to the health and well-being of the group. Some cultural shifts mean the end of an ethnic or religious identity. Well-meaning Christian missionaries, who wanted to help natives attain salvation and civilization, in fact gave them neither, imparting disease and cultural dissolution instead. The gospel according to Gene Roddenberry should be heeded: Thou shalt not violate the Prime Directive--when you mess with the natural evolution of other cultures, you do so at great peril to their very existence.


After twenty years as an American soldier, I feel comfortable speculating about the frustration which our troops must be experiencing in Iraq today. They genuinely want to help the Iraqis, but it's like setting up a soccer match in a mine field. We owe them our prayers and our supportive thoughts, but more than that we owe them a speedy departure to duties less hazardous for causes more noble. They did not sign up to be martyrs; that's in the current enemy's job description and resume.


Theology can give us tools to look at life through the eyes of faith. As I look at the mess created by the most theological president in recent history, I find myself praying for a sensible agnostic to take the reins of state and steer us away from the Edge of the World, toward which the Rev. Mr. Bush is galloping with apocalyptic glee, even as the climate warms and the villagers we hastened to aid are crushed under the wheels of our chariots of war.


Your comments and replies are invited.

1 comment:

DrTom said...

I write this column as a free-thinker who happens to be a Unity minister as well. Nothing said here is the official doctrine of any organization...we are all free to have our opinions, especially on subjects this controversial. I hope civility can be restored so that people of integrity can disagree agreeably, but I am not seeing that kind of consciousness at large in my nation. Thank you for your comments, especially my friend from Nigeria. Let's all pray for peace and sanity.