Monday, December 13, 2010

A Metaphysical Christian Statement of Faith

I believe in God,

One Presence and One Power,

Who speaks to me

..........personally, as a still, small voice within,

..........transpersonally, as the power of Omnipotent Goodness, and

..........historically, through teachers and prophets of all faiths

Wherever consciousness arises in God’s vast Cosmos. .


I believe in Jesus the Christ,

understood and reinterpreted through time as

the man of Nazareth, the Wayshower,

who calls people to serve all God’s children with compassion,

And in Christ Jesus, the crucified and risen Lord,

who demonstrates that all life is eternal

and points to the imago Dei in every sentient being.


I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the God-energy which empowers the Cosmos to be,

inspires creativity and understanding,

and leads people by holy wisdom

to discover the many paths to Divine Truth.

I believe in the equality of all God’s children,

in the rich diversity of their physical and spiritual expressions.


I believe in the unity of purpose

which gathers a community of people

to experience the power of affirmative prayer and

share the challenges and celebrations along life's path;

I believe in the communion of soul growth

by which all will one day participate,

And the eternal possibility for Oneness with God

through an endless, innovative union of joy and love.


Blessings and peace, divine order and refreshing inspiration, healing power and prosperity, wholeness of life and love eternal will accompany us now and forevermore, through the power of the Christ within. Amen.

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Written by - Thomas Shepherd, D.Min.

Disclaimer: I am opposed to formal statements of faith published by religious organizations. This is a personal view, not meant to be a final declaration; more psalm than creed. First draft 2006, re-written 2007, updated and posted 12-13-10, re-edited 12-14-10...You get this is a work in progress? Suggestions and corrections invited. Dialogue invited. (If you use it in your work, please cite the source--it will give you somebody else to blame.)